Links - Frøavl og frøsamlere
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Agrologica er specialist indenfor udvikling af økologisk korn. Vi har i årtier arbejdet målbevist mod at udvikle kornsorter og dyrkningsmetoder, som under økologiske betingelser, kan give den optimale kvalitet for både landmænd, bagere og forbrugere. En række af de bedste kornsorter er nu ved at blive opformeret, så de i de kommende år bliver tilgængelige på de danske og udenlandske markeder.
Agrologica indgår i en række forsknings- og udviklingsprojekter, ofte sammen med andre virksomheder og forskningsinstitutioner, hvor vi går i dybden med udvalgte emner. Mange projekter handler om udvikling af hvede, som er sundere end normal hvede, eksempelvis i forhold til gluten-allergi, diabetes, overvægt og kræft. Andre projekter handler om planternes resistens overfor sygdomme som f.eks. stinkbrand og angreb af nematoder, mens atter andre handler om bage- eller maltkvalitet. På nogle af disse forskningsområder er vi absolut førende i Europa.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Forskning og uddannelse
Navdanya means “nine seeds” (symbolizing protection of biological and cultural diversity) and also the “new gift” (for seed as commons, based on the right to save and share seeds In today’s context of biological and ecological destruction, seed savers are the true givers of seed. This gift or “dana” of Navadhanyas (nine seeds) is the ultimate gift – it is a gift of life, of heritage and continuity. Conserving seed is conserving biodiversity, conserving knowledge of the seed and its utilization, conserving culture, conserving sustainability.
Navdanya has its own seed bank and organic farm spread over an ares of 20 acres in Uttrakhand, north India.
Navdanya has so far successfully conserved more than 5000 crop varieties including 3000 of rice, 95 of wheat, 150 of kidney beans (rajma), 15 of millets and and several varieties of pulses, vegetable, medicinal plants etc.
Kategori: Foreninger | Gamle sorter og historie | Frøavl og frøsamlere
The No Patents on Seeds coalition is initiated by the Berne Declaration, Greenpeace, Misereor, No Patents on Life, Swissaid and the Norwegian Development Fund, and campaigns for a clear regulation in patent law.
Their initiative is supported globally by over 300 NGOs and farmers’ organisations, and has collected about 100.000 signatures against patents on plants and animals. The coalition now urges the institutions of the EU to go for clear legal regulations to exclude from patentability plants and animals, genetic material and processes for breeding of plants and animals and food derived thereof.
Kategori: Foreninger | Gamle sorter og historie | Frøavl og frøsamlere
En meget interessant blog om Nikolai Vavilovs ideer og resultater. Måske kunne bloggen have set sådan ud, hvis han selv havde haft mulighed for at skrive den - genfødt i internetalderen?
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Forskning og uddannelse
Tater-Mater forum about anything related to potato and tomato breeding.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie | Havefora
Tom Wagners blog is devoted to potato and tomato breeding, but may include forays into politics, culture, and the like.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie | Private sider og blogs
Skrubtudsen Bufo bufo.
Den lille prins er en af vores vigtigste medarbejdere i haven. Mød ham og de planter han passer i en have på Amager.
Han ved det måske ikke, men haven er også en frøsamler have, hvor gamle sorter bevares og nye skabes.
Kategori: Private sider og blogs | Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie
Ingrid Matthes dyrker en lang række forskellige kartoffelsorter til spisebrug. Det er nemlig ikke tilladt at sælge mange af kartoffelsorterne som læggekartofler i Tyskland.
Kategori: Private sider og blogs | Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie
Den tyske frøsamlerorganisation VEN arbejder for at bevare nytteplanters mangfoldighed. Man søger efter gamle arter af nytteplanter, der ikke længere vedligeholdes for at rekultivere, opformere og videreudvikle dem.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Foreninger | Gamle sorter og historie
Programmet för odlad mångfald, POM, är en nationell satsning för att bättre bevara och nyttja våra kulturväxter. Sveriges Riksdag beslutade redan 2000 att POM skulle genomföras som ett verktyg för att förverkliga Konventionen om biologisk mångfald eller Riokonventionen.
Jordbruksverket ansvarar för POM och Centrum för biologisk mångfald samordnar programmet. Därutöver deltar många organisationer, myndigheter, företag, botaniska trädgårdar och andra.
POM har för närvarande sex olika inventeringsprogram som dammsuger Sverige på bär, frukt, perenner, narcisser och frön.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie | Offentlige organisationer
The Public Seed Initiative (PSI) is a joint cooperative effort between Cornell University Departments of Plant Breeding and Horticulture, the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York, Inc, and the USDA—Agricultural Research Service’s Plant Genetic Resources Unit in Geneva, NY.
Farmers need varieties that work in their climates, soils and markets. Northeast growers are now dependent on a much narrower range of varieties produced for large farmers and average national growing conditions. Organic farmers, in particular, need varieties that do well in organic farming systems.
Cornell breeders, the USDA’s seed bank staff in Geneva, NY, and the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York, Inc are working with farmers and seed companies to develop a vegetable breeding and seed production training program that will help improve productivity, profitability and the viability of agriculture in the northeast.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Offentlige organisationer
The Seed Savers' Network has the following charitable and educational purposes in its deeds...
To develop and promote:
- Educational programmes for the preservation of open-pollinated (non-hybrid) seeds and the genetic diversity of plant varieties;
- Non-profit seed exchange programmes;
- Agricultural and horticultural programmes with particular emphasis on the propagation of open-pollinated plant varieties;
- Preservation gardens for open-pollinated plant varieties;
- Seed banks for non-hybrid plant varieties;
- Scientific research relating to the above matters, either alone or in conjunction with a public university or other institution.
To Provide:
- Financial and educational assistance to community development projects - local and overseas;
- Open-pollinated seed stock to individuals, groups and communities.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange is a wonderful source for heirloom seeds and other open-pollinated (non-hybrid) seeds with an emphasis on vegetables, flowers, and herbs that grow well in the Mid-Atlantic region. We support seed saving and traditional seed breeding. Seed savers and breeders are to thank for our rich selection and we will do whatever we can to support our customers and associates to carry on this noble tradition.
Our seed company started in 1982 as an outgrowth of a love affair with heirloom varieties and in seed saving. Southern Exposure Seed Exchange had its beginning in a small family garden and a kitchen co-opted for seed processing. The kitchen garden has since expanded to numerous growing areas supplemented by a nationwide seed grower network. Now the seed company has its own office, germination testing facility, and environmentally controlled seed storage areas.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie
Frøambassadørerne er et græsrodsprojekt med forbindelse til økologiske, frøsamlende og permakultur kredse i det nordvestlige USA. De sender et ungt amerikansk ægtepar til Europa i 5 måneder for at udveksle frø, erfaringer og visioner. Første stop: Danmark, Frøsamlernes kursus i rensning af hjemmeavlet frø, 25. november i Slagelse.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Private sider og blogs
Native Seeds/SEARCH is a nonprofit conservation organization based in Tucson, Arizona. NS/S works to conserve, distribute and document the adapted and diverse varieties of agricultural seed, their wild relatives and the role these seeds play in cultures of the American Southwestern and northwest Mexico.
Our mission began in 1983, springing from the nexus of cultural longing and impending loss of genetic diversity. Today we safeguard 2000 varieties of arid-land adapted agricultural crops. Some, like watermelons, were adapted from seeds brought by early Europeans. Most of our collection consists of varieties of indigenous crops developed over centuries or millennia to suit the needs of their human partners. We promote the use of these ancient crops and their wild relatives by distributing seeds to traditional communities and to gardeners world wide.
Currently we offer 350 varieties from our collection, grown out at our Conservation Farm in Patagonia, Arizona. We also work to preserve knowledge about the traditional uses of the crop we steward. Through research, seed distribution and community outreach NS/S seeks to protect biodiversity and to celebrate cultural diversity. Both are essential in connecting the past to the future.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie | Foreninger
Southern Seed Legacy strives to reverse the plant erosion of genetic diversity and cultural knowledge in the American South by encouraging and supporting local seed saving exchange networks and in situ conservation of plant genetic resources. We also house a small seed collection that serves as a backup for crop varieties that are in particular danger of going extinct and a memory bank that documents the cultural history of many southern heirloom varieties.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie
"Save our Seeds" is dedicated to keeping conventional and organically grown seeds free of genetically modified organisms. In a joint petition 300 organisations representing over 25 million members and 200.000 individual citizens of Europe demand a strict EU law to protect the purity of seeds. Seeds are the kernels of life, the foundation of our food supply and humanities oldest heritage.
Kategori: Foreninger | Frøavl og frøsamlere
Our mission is to promote sustainable, ecological, organic vegetable seed production in the Mid-Atlantic and South. Saving Our Seeds provides information, resources, and publications for gardeners, farmers, seed savers, and seed growers.
This site is provided courtesy of Jeff McCormack, founder and previous owner of Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, founder and owner of Garden Medicinals and Culinaries, and co-founder of Virginia Plant Savers. Saving Our Seeds provides another path for raising awareness of our threatened genetic resources, and as an additional resource for providing information and knowledge tools for seed saving and seed conservation.
Kategori: Frøavl og frøsamlere | Gamle sorter og historie | Økologi
Welcome to my webpages about seeds - collecting seeds, storing seeds, sowing seeds, germinating seeds and exchanging seeds, with pictures of seeds, seedpods and seedlings.
Like the chicken and the egg, it's difficult to know which end to start. Do I begin with collecting seeds, then move on to how to persuade them to grow, or do I start with how I germinate them, and move on to harvesting? I've decided to start with the pictures of seeds, as that's where we start with most of our garden plants.
Kategori: Private sider og blogs | Frøavl og frøsamlere
GRAIN is an international non-governmental organisation (NGO) which promotes the sustainable management and use of agricultural biodiversity based on people's control over genetic resources and local knowledge.
GRAIN was established at the beginning of the 1990s to launch a decade of popular action against one of the most pervasive threats to world food security: genetic erosion. The loss of biological diversity, undermines the very sense of "sustainable development" as it destroys options for the future and robs people of a key resource base for survival. Genetic erosion means more than just the loss of genetic diversity. In essence it is an erosion of options for development. Central to our approach is the conviction that the conservation and use of genetic resources is too important to leave to scientists, governments and industry alone. Farmers and community organisations have nurtured genetic diversity for millennia, and continue to do so. Any effort in this field should take their experience as a starting point.
Kategori: Foreninger | Frøavl og frøsamlere